A West part of Switzerland innovation with a national ambition
The lemania – pension fund was inaugurated on September 26, 2018 to meet the needs of Financial Entrepreneurs in Romandie wishing to benefit from a single entry point combining asset management and pension provision. The operational platform was then officially launched on 1st January 2019 by the two founding members of the lemania-pension fund namely:
- Fondation romande en faveur de la prévoyance individuelle -3a ( FRPI) and
- Fondation Lemania de libre passage (FLLP)
In 2019, lemania – pension fund was the first pension provider in Switzerland to offer brokers and financial intermediaries a 100% digital registration process.The platform is fully digitalized for partners active in wealth advice and asset management. On the one hand, with a registration process based on digital customer lifecycle data management (CLM) incorporating a digital signature, and on the other with a web interface for comparing investment funds recognized by the FLLP and FRPI for asset management.
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